Blog Archive

Monday, October 20, 2008

Winifred asked me to write a post....

Winifred is our new house plant. We've been hesitant to purchase one until now. They are a little expensive and we didn't really want to spend twenty bucks on something that could very likely die, at no necessary fault of our own. However, our desire for foliage has overcome our practicality and now the houseplant is insisting that I post blog entries, including her name...I knew this would happen.

Anyone who actually follows this blog will probably thank Winnie, after nearly a month of silence. We have decided that the feel of the blog will probably change in the coming weeks. We are no longer riding a rocket to Korea. We have safely landed and have been quite busy. We have so much we could tell you, so many things have happened that we could relay to you, and there's the rub. It would take hours to sit here and type it all out...hours we just don't have. So we wait for a more opportune time, but the longer we wait, the more there is to tell, and the longer it will take, so we wait! And so on and so forth...So this blog will probably no longer be a simple chronicle of our adventures in Korea. That requires too much time, and lengthy posts. Because we want you to be able to hear from us often, this will probably become a space for us to post thoughts more than to tell stories. You will still get stories, but I am freeing us from the burden of having to post 9 paragraph entries, regaling the world of our comings and goings. We will write and you will get a window into our lives, our brains and our world.

The Eagle has Landed.


Barclee said...

thanks winnie.

anthony thomas creech said...

winnie is a bit of a pooh, don't you think?
maybe you could do video blog report, its fun, funny and we get to see your faces!

Tram1 said...

I haven't figured out how to record video in a format small enough to upload it. I've tried, to upload to facebook, youtube and blogger, but it never uploads, no matter how long I leave it...